MINI RDM ArtNet DMX Network Extender
Product description:
EL-ArtNet1024 is a bi-directional Ethernet to DMX converter. Provide two-way network ArtNet to DMX512 serial bidirectional conversion capabilities. Is a high-speed ARM processor, follow the standard ArtNet protocol provides a standard RJ45 network interface and DMX512 output interface. EL-ArtNet1024 highly compatible protocol standard, real-time, stable and reliable. It has been designed to transport DMX through an Ethernet. which has two operating modes: NODE mode and SERVER mode. NODE mode convert ArtNet signal into DMX512. Server mode route DMX512 (X2) signal into ArtNet via Ethernet transmission.
Product feature:
Artnet converter to DMX
DMX converter to Artnet
Obey to artnet/artnet 2 protocol
Standard DMX512 output
Equipped with signal indicator
Support software: sunlite.DMXWorkshop,Arkaos,MadMapper/Modul8,Resolume Arena,,MagicQ and so on
Aluminum case
Standard RJ45 net connector
